Saturday, August 28, 2004

My minor touch on the political activity.... it applies here in Big Bear.
Firstly, i just wanted to state that last semester, yes, only a mere 8 months ago, i paid 88 dollars to take 8 units at my local community college. Math majors, that's 11 bones a unit. Now, after some lame ass bill signed by our muscular governor, i am to pay 26 dollars a unit. I feel a bit unsettled about this, especially when i didn't see any improvements or additions to the already existing classes available. Fuck that shit.
Secondly, in order to make a class run, in these parts, there must be at least 15 people enrolled. So as you can imagine, in a small, mountainous, hillybill-ville, there is trouble meeting quotas. Therefore, what is the solution? Recruit the highschoolers! So yes, my theatre and psych class is filled with young 9-12th graders, who were just released from 7 hrs of school just a few hours before another 3 hour class. I only bring this up because you can imagine the impact that this has on how the class runs. So yes folks, i'm in high school again. (i survive by repeating...a means to an end, a means to an end).
Thirdly, my theatre professor tends to state his personal beliefs in class, a little too much for my taste. I felt strangely offended when he began discussing Mel Gibson's talents and ideology. And i don't take offense very easily. Then, he continued with showering praise upon Robin Williams, his proposed "favorite actor". Now, i personally found Mork and Mindy to be the biz-omb. And I even (and i'm a bit embarrassed to admit such a thing) found Mrs. Doubtfire somewhat interesting. For me, drag comedy is ALWAYS funny. But What Dreams May Come..One Hour Photo? Patch Adams? Bicentenniel Man? My god, is this guy serious?---on a side note, i did like that movie where he was homeless. (a funny side story, is that once when i was helping dodes move into his apartment in SF, i began speaking with this guy going through his trash. He told me that the other day, Robin Williams was walking around San Francisco interviewing the homeless as research on a movie he's doing where he plays without a home. I wondered, as he spoke, "should i believe this homeless man digging through the trash?" After he presented his claim, i decided, "yes, he sounds truthful."

Lastly, i got a little smokey last night and couldn't really concentrate on changing the channel, so i watched the entire hour broadcast of the nightly news. In the manor of M. Moore's allusions in 911, i felt very scared. The music was frightening, i was marijuana-ed, they had a story on how there is a rise in cars crashing into houses, a side story on west nile, they showed some clips of revolts in iraq...a child of the age of 3 holding an automatic weapon, everybody
in scary gowny clothes and militant wear. It appeared like they've never even seen an Old Navy. Yes, i was scared. I kept hearing noises outside, it made me deem it an impossibility that i would leave my house that night. No way, not with all that going on outside of my house. Instead, i'll stay on my couch and cower behind my television news report...and drink beer. Thus, that's what i did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


To make yourself feel better: I get to pay an additional $6,000 dollars this year.