Monday, July 12, 2004

Who's that Girl?

Slutty bridesmaids, endangered felines, rich blood, harlem, retarded UPSmen, missing keys, love, scandal, leather jackets, fencing, motorcycle cops, and can you go wrong? Well I surely can't imagine how. My favorite running joke is how everyone in NY has had Wendy Worthington in the cab before. Anyway, I've been noticing that these stories of mismatched love, eighties and others send horrible messages to the poor, feeble minded such as myself. The timeless story of the freeminded child/whore who slowly wins her way into the cold, bankrupt heart of a tax attorney.These movies are always the same.
Okay Okay okay, so i have been known to watch shamefully cheesy romantic comedies, but i also watch normal movies too. And I sometimes begin to wonder why I tend to become obsessed with the impossible. For instance, if something is weird or crazy, or just downright idiotic, chances are I will fall in love with it. Well, it's just easier to blame movies and shut the fuck up.

"You'll take care of me, won't you?"-Wendy
"Of course i will, i'm very muscular"-upsman

On A faraway side note, .... I have nothing to do with this

HOwever, i do have ties with this one....Too much time on my hands


mm said...

you have been slackin' on the food diary. where is day ten? i must assume: taco bell.

Toby Subrosa said...

it's not that i've been slacking, it's that i decided to keep it in my save drafts folder. i felt that it was unnecessary to keep it out. Although today I did have a Works Veggie burrito from Del Taco and a Cherry Coke. My god was it delicious. I had to find something easily sneakable into the movie theatre because i refuse to pay $10 for a pretzel and a large coke. I'm going back to the regime tomorrow. It's easy to be good at home and work.