Tuesday, February 01, 2005

What Would Jesus Do?

He would probably wake me up early in the morning while it is still dark, and suggest we take a walk. He'd probably suggest I take a jacket, because i'd still be in my sleepy zone, not really thinking, trying to walk out the door in my pajama pants and t-shirt. I would suggest taking the snowy river-bed route, since I'd be less likely to slip and fall on my bum. He wouldn't hear of it. Up the hill we must climb, if I want real guidance. I would start to complain once my Converse soaked through, and I'd probably start with the "Are we there,yets". Based on my perception of Jesus, I'd grab hold of his hand everytime I felt my foot slosh deeper into the snow than I intended for it to go. At first, he'd think it was cute, well until I really did fall and pulled him down with me. He would take that opportunity to tell me that I should have brought a walking stick. I'd decide to suck it up and just run up the hill, get this over with, since he's obviously not interested in me. He follows and shouts that I'm not going the right way. I apologize by explaining that I'd rather get to the top, first, then decide which direction to move. He doesn't agree. I can tell by his expression. It's an expression I've never seen in any of the pictures I have seen of Jesus. Once we both reach the top of the hill, I ask him why he's taken me here. He leans against the walking stick and stares at the dark blue bottom of the dawn. I realize I'm not going to get any answers or any play.

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