Tuesday, March 01, 2005

La Ciudad Tan Sucio

It's cuz of all the freeways. Ya, i know that shit. I've heard that one Deathcab song. They would never let San Francisco get this dirty. Not even on the "bad" side of Mission. East Oakland could hold a torch. I opened the LA Weekly. It's really just a wannabe East Bay Express. Honestly, they appeared interchangeable only really noticeable by the lack of Dan Savage. I just did an invisible shrug and made up my own dirty question in my head. It made me feel less angry at hip-hugging leather overcoats and spike--gelly hair. Everybody looks so clean by Bob Hope's old house. Everyone looks so reflective. It's not the sunblock, this i know because the expensive kind doesn't show on the skin. A white girl told me that.
This is not to say that I entirely hate it. I'm just not in love like i was back when i was an 18yr old idiot. I fell out of love with cities.

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