Sunday, March 20, 2005

The List

The members of the jury deem the defendant: Guilty.

1. Though my weapon was never officially captured, there are sites on the internet that suggest that the weapon was beautifully hidden in the most obvious of places. Since the designers of the website all have at least Master's Degrees in various areas of psycho-social-ologies, they recognize my thinly masked attempt at being clever. I'm the type of textbook killer who thinks so highly of their intellect that there is no thought of trying to "hide" my weapon. No, instead, it's a regularly used object of mine, a little out of place. Someone might have known that if they cared enough to befriend me, visit my dwelling sometime, see how matter of factly my house is arranged. But all you "detectives" have to work from is psychobabble bullshit. Have fun. I'm not the type to care.

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