Sunday, April 10, 2005

Confused and Lazy

I forgot how to do many things. I'm too lucid to really try and gather into order. Hold, one moment.

I've made two mistakes recently.
The first one was choosing red instead of green.
The second was vowing to a silence, i didn't know what this vow would entail.

July 14th, 2009----I'm so scared of you. I didn't think i was the type to be. I guess I never really understood this stage like I once thought I did.

Two weeks ago, I dreamt of 2 baby raptors. In my dream they looked like snakes. In my brain, young raptors were snakelike because I thought of them like frogs, in need of a transformation. The eggs broke inside the back shower at 5046 Nobel St. Commerce CA 90040. If you've ever been to 5046 Nobel St., you'd know that the shower door holds fast, and must practically be kicked in order to allow transportation.
In the dream, I could see over the shower door, while in reality, this would not happen without a step ladder. In the dream, I knew that the raptors were: 1)exceptionally poisonous 2) 1 male, 1 female 3) very wiley creatures considering they were newly hatched. For some reason, i really liked these raptors. I wanted to keep them. I decided against it for fear of my own life. (this dream suggests the possibility that i may be a good candidate for the Oedipus oracle). I decided they needed to die. I grabbed the male. In my dream, I knew the male had a red stripe from the nape of his neck down to the tail. I grabbed the space just below his head that would disallow his teeth to reach my hand. I grabbed tight, and bit through him. I kept biting until I tore him into two half baby raptors. I then grabbed the female. I knew this would be a harder task, due to the thought that ran through my head. The female of the species is more deadly than the male.

(remember that song back in the 90's? who sang that anyway? Hold one moment, shouldn't I know that? Yes, I probably should.)

As I tried to grab for the same spot on the neck, she toothed me. Raptor-toothed me good. I let go and slunched down into a comfortable death pose. I kept wondering when I'd start losing breath. I never did.
Maybe you don't die in your dreams, though i thought i had.

I don't wanna forget this: Type down every single name of every single person you've ever known.

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