Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Honestly, children

Know what i've been thinking lately? "Boy, has it really been 6 months since my vehicle has been assaulted? How queer, my car life has been on such a smooth path since i've abandoned my Cameroni. With the back doors that don't open, and the self-installed dashboard, the foul spirits must have fled from my life. Those dangerously addictive demons gots a new G-ride. Boy, has it really been 6 months since my vehicle has been assaulted?

Curiously, the answer is Yes.

Memorial day, February 21st, 2005---1988 Camry LX, Blue--Stolen from ungated parking structure from the front of my apartment building. Found 1 day later, abandoned less than 2 miles away. Battery? Dead.

Lame Day, July 26, 2005---1989 Jeep Cherokee, Brown--Side window shattered, radio
stolen along with CD's. The bestest part? In event of my moving, i had sorted the 25 best CD's. The ones you can't not have for more than a day to 1 week. The ones you fall asleep to at night, that force you to be happy when yr not only awake at 7am, but that the temperature is already 85 degrees Fahrenheit. The ones that fan yr terrific anger when yr pissing away through traffic. The ones i love. Fuck them, i don't need shit.

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