Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I Probably Hate You...

...or once did. As i think about my friends, wanting to write about my friends, my loving, delightfully delicious friends, i notice such similarities. I think of the ones i talk to almost everyday, or at least think of, am reminded of, or sometimes want to torture and kill with love almost everyday. These precious handful of people, i did not like. I either found them crass, conceited, rude, lame, pathetic, worthless, or worst of all, boring. How terrible, i say to myself. What does this mean? Have I have bad taste in first impressions? Am I terribly hard to please? Does my swift and stringent judgement make me a jerk? Yes. It takes weeks to sometimes years before i eventually get used to somebody's disagreements. Yes.

I suppose that i should be suspicious of people that i like immediately. There are those few. Delightful people. They excite me. It's frightning.

I'm okay with somebody not liking me immediately. In fact, i demand it. Friendship is like a folly of fools crashing a Godsmack concert. If you have everyone rushing to get in, climbing over trashcans, shimmying over shoulders, well, then you'll be left with a pungent amphitheatre that serves only domestic beer. It cost 9 dollars for 8 ounces, and yr pissed. I'd rather grab a 40, and listen to records in my room with someone i used to loathe. That's not to say that someday I might actually enjoy the music of Godsmack. Because after browsing through myself and my friends, i might say that anything is possible.

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