Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Deviation Smack

I shouldn't be here, at my computer, writing bullshit. I should be writing other bullshit set on a deadline. I should be expressing my opinions on what I think of the differences between British and American schools and their focused emphasis on curriculum. I spent my last few hours raking up my brain cells into a small pile which I raped and plundered. I forced them to do my Japanese homework. Originally, I had considered my option to slam the jagged edge of my book into the same spot on my head over and over until it created a red, wet hole. I figured if i dripped some of the wetness onto my homework worksheet and formed it into katakana representations of Shiguenza-san, that I'd truly feel accomplishment. I thought about my walk down the stairs of Dwinnelle, still dizzy yet clutching the papers with a Scarface-esque death shadow. The kids would avert their eyes, while i smiled, eyes closed and head bobbing. I considered how the others would react when i opened my folder and tore out the pages one by one, mumbling. Everyone would clearly see that my assignment was atop the folder, covered in brownish-red dryness. Shiyukodai, bah.

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