Saturday, June 12, 2004

I Can't work it...(is it worth it)?

Yep, so i don't know how to insert links into my sidebar. I fooled around with the cut and pasting action of HTML, but nope.

So anyway, I GOT TO LEAVE THE HILL TODAY!!!! After saying this, I just shake my head in grief, and sheepishly accept my fate. Anyhow, I helped my mom buy stuff for my brother's upcoming Vegas wedding. All, i kept thinking, everytime she'd pull out her credit card, was "Geez, this looks like more helping that I'm gonna have to do". She bought lace to wrap chocolates in for all 70 of the guests. And as I said, "Wow, Ricky and Jenna are going to have alot of these things to wrap", she replied "Oh, it's going to be a surprise. You and Rayna will be doing this" Only, we all know the capabilities of Rayna. My goodness.

Our shopping extraganza took us by the cemetary where Grandma is buried, and so we decided that we should pay her a visit. Only it was 8:20pm, and the sign states a 7pm closing. Well, this doesn't stop the tenacity of my mother. So we scale a 4ft. wall, wait for the sprinklers to finish watering Grandma, then go and show her my brother's engraved wedding goblets. It was nice to visit her grave especially because i haven't been there since i was 18. Also, those were nice goblets.

On our way back up the hill, a couple of strange things happened that made me think those weird spooky thoughts. You know, like things are haunted...well, i usually only get these feelings after my mom tells me something freaky, such as her theories on how my grandma's old house is cursed. Anyway, so we were talking about how my mom doesn't want to give this guy, Marty, a loan. I was agreeing that he didn't deserve it, when i remembered that i had to call Sahar about something. So i bring out my cell phone, and its little marker is right on Marty's name. Then I tell my mom, and she also finds it eerie. So she says, "i need a cigarette". I laughed, and i tried to find her lighter because i used it last. Well, earlier in the day, I was reprimanded for breaking her car lighter and getting it stuck in the hole. As i was looking for her lighter, the car lighter pops out. We both look at each other and get scared. Also, imagine the dark, spooky drive up a windy, foresty, mountain road. Alright, alright, so i'm superstitious and silly....FINE. It WAS weird though.
As for my grandma's cursed house, here's the story. My mom just sold it for the following reasons: 1) There was a murder in it. A few months ago, the schizophrenic daughter of the tenant renting the house goes BERZERKY and pulls the bathroom drawer out of it's socket and slams it on her mother's head until she dies of hurt head. 2) Two months before that, while my mom was getting the house prepared for new tenants, Ray decides to try and fix the leaky roof himself. Well, he falls through it and breaks his back. He is still injured today. 3)A year before that, the last tenant claims she always heard creepy noises at night and had terrible nightmares. She also loses her unborn child. 4) And 6 years before that, my grandma finds out she has lung cancer, and progressively gets sicker until she dies.
After hearing all of this, I did get caught in a momentary shiver, until I remembered the following things: 1) Schizophrenia is a very serious mental disorder, and bad things come from not taking your medication 2) Leaky rooves have the tendency to be soft and unstable 3) This one is just creepy 4) My grandma had been a smoker since childhood.

1 comment:

Toby Subrosa said...

Ya, i tried it, but i'm gonna try again....