Tuesday, October 25, 2005

SMB2 vs. SMB3

Wasn't there a big deal made about the newest version of Mario and Luigi? I remember watching that movie with Fred Savage. Oh, how i wanted to be in the contest. I used to be good at new games back in the day. But SMB3 was nowhere near as awesome as SMB2. Sure, that leaf would make people to fly, and you could swim under the water with a frog suit, but it wasn't anything like how you could squat into a vase and pluck vegetables in utter darkness. I used to have dreams about those levels.
So when you're looking for an explanation of why I lack imagination, or why i have a slight distaste for physical activity, well, you can blame Japan, for producing the rich, son-of-a-bitch lovin' Nintendo. God, i loved that shit, and my Sega...Seeeeegaaaaaa! Now, for sure, i'm going to leave this library and drink some chai. Hiya, chiya.

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