[ We were in the back of a large U-haul-esque truck. We were propped and cushioned on furniture. I don't know who was driving, i'm sure it doesn't matter. My head was on yr shoulder. It was night time. We were finally there, we let ourselves out. We were the only thing that could focus. It was me who leaned in. Of course, right? Right. You kissed for a bit. Then you pushed me down by my shoulders. I lost my balance and fell onto the concrete. The street scraped my hands. I believe you said "no". But i wasn't listening anymore. By then, i only laughed. I was able to control my laugh, and i laughed at you, forever dumb. ]
{em0tion is dead}---its gone to my head. if you were to ever ask...it is this in which i dream of you. i barely even recognize this haunted, hollow holiday anymore.
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