You have no idea of what you ask. You know nothing of where this came. Trust? That's ridiculous. These voices stem from young children. They are frightened of adults. They see your respectable ways, and they resemble adulthood far too much. Perhaps if you use younger speech, or maybe if you speak in cartoon voice. Maybe if you draw pictures and tell bedtime stories, i might listen.
Just maybe.
And should you disguise your intentions as youth, I'd be more inclined. Trust is a two way street, you know. Some games are okay. But not all games. I grew used to, and once trusted games until I learned the adult versions. So now, I grow weary of such things. I still yearn for those olden times, those big T-shirted times. I'd like to see you quote things I know, people I like, books I've read.
I know many things now. I swear I do. But if you could just simplify yr words a bit and stop trying to sound so smart, I'd probably understand you better. I don't like the games of which I know not the rules. Nobody does. It's not a kid thing, it's a people thing. I've grown and learned, but that's not to say that I'm happy about it.
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