Monday, November 13, 2006

Motherly Confused, Utterly Cold

I am so cold. This cold has driven me downstairs underneath my living room heater.
And I don't know what this is all about. Not the cold, but the thing I do.
The cold was just how it is right now.
Even with the heat on,
I close these doors like a Christmas present,
or like the glasses I used to trap spiders under
when I first arrived.
Why do I do this?
Why did i do that?

Maybe I'm different in hot and in cold. Maybe I'm like that green cup I had from Burger King that turns yellow by hot chocolate, green with raspberry tea.
Even last year, I was too old for that shit.

But still, with no explanations.
I used to think, just a mere 3 months ago, that those spiders were visitors. Didn't think I'd run out of cups. Didn't know they lived here.

But they run rampant, so I don't even bother with the chase.
Bitten, so what?

Gonna switch to stand-by. Made a big list.
Mary, mother of god, pray for our sinners. Now. At the hour of our death, Amen.

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