Friday, November 19, 2004

First I Dream Naughtily, then I Dream so Sad

i was in a classroom and i wanted to leave because my "boyfriend" was waiting outside. I was in the back left corner seat while the door was at the front right corner of the room. I slithered down my seat like drunken Elliot in ET and put my belly to the floor, and i crawled out the door like Baby Mikey. He laughed when i opened the door and i got up, not at all embarrassed at how i exited my class. I felt completely at ease and he kissed the corner of my mouth. He had two motorcycle helmets in his arms and gave the pearly white one to me. His was black, dirty and scratched. He was dark and he was cute and i've never seen someone like him before. He was crossing a wet, rocky path high on a cliff. I was scared and thrilled and i bit his jacket to keep from screaming like a banshee. I wanted things then and there, and i found that occasionally my dreams oblige.

I awoke from the sensation of falling and i got up for some water. I was embarrassed to wake up. It was early dawn. I went back in my blankets and tried to return.

I was back in my class and i was mad to be there, this time I changed my clothes in my seat until i was dressed all in black. i hadn't any reason to do so. Then i put a ski mask on my head and climbed out the window, imagining that i resembled the burglars in A Christmas Story. I was running down the street, hiding behind poles, trees, mailboxes, baby strollers, and even other burglars hiding behind trees, poles, etc. I turned and came into a rickety rust-ridden gate. There was a cemetary, and it was small like the one in that movie they showed while we waited to get into the haunted house in Ontario. I saw my friend waiting there, about to cry. As i went down to console him, i began to cry in an uncontrollable mess. I couldn't breath, so i let him go, but it was worse so i grabbed back again. I knew someone or something was dead, was gone, forever....i felt such a loss. But the hole was empty and shallow and the stone was blank. My mind began to zoom out and i let him go. The place was suddenly full with people. Suddenly calm, we parted and he was fine as well. I went to stand by my mom and grandma. And i looked back but he was gone. I felt empty and hugged my grandma's arm, still unaware of what we were mourning.

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