Sunday, November 28, 2004

New, but not necessarily Improved

i've decided to follow up on an idea i had a few days ago in respect to my blog, and in a lesser field, life. Not that i'd ever compare the two, though they are both strikingly indirect. As always, i will keep to my usual practice of posting one entry, all nice and plastic wrapped, while keeping another in my drafting folder as my reference towards my white rabbit rantings. However, doing so with future intentions of an unveiling. Sure, will probably be 1 or 2 months later once the feelings have had time to air. It is my baby step towards my ultimate goal of being truer in expression. Shedding fears, letting go, and making amends. And i am well aware of the shrewd truth that many of these things are really only important in my own, little, maniackly deficient mind. I doubt that's a word, and i doubt even further that if it were, that that would be the correct spelling.
But really, should i market myself for myself, i just might become more satisfied with acquisitions. I'm being experimental these days. I'm like Jack the Pumpkin King.....what does it mean? what does it mean?

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