Monday, July 05, 2004

A History of Firework Loving........

1979--Still in the Ole Tummy. I did enjoy the Fireworks at Rosewood Park, though I was pissed that I didn't have much of a view. Still though, the Corona was a nice touch. Thanks Mom.

1982--I'm getting used to having a little brother. He may get more attention than I do, but i get to hold a sparkler.

1983-86--Dad brings us to Abuela's house where it is legal to set off yr own. After getting bored with wimpy sparklers, I learned that i liked to kick those fire-flowers that spin on the floor. I still wasn't allowed to light them. (That doesn't mean that I didn't.)

1989--My first trip to Mexico, and introduction to sky-rockets. My brother and I would shoot them out of a Corona bottle at each other on the beach. (Thanks again, Mom)

1991--My Bart Simpson T-shirt suffered a massive hole in the back due to an airborne fire-flower. Thanks, Ricky.

1993--After moving from East LA, they no longer let you light yr own fireworks. So this time we had to see watch those lousy air fireworks in the park. This is the year I began to get disillusioned about the 4th.

1995--I learned the historical significance of my precious day of fire.

1997--Another Mexico 4th, this time filled with my own consumption of Corona. The phrase "fire in the hole" became popular with Kenny, my brother and I as we threw firecrackers into people's tents.

1998--I began getting distracted from my love of fireworks when came my love of alcohol. This was the year Kenny flew us off a cliff, and we were stuck in weeds. We had to walk back to the rest of the folks, unaware of what really happened, or why.

2000--I began to discover that Kenny may just love fire as much as me. This was the year we set a couch on fire in the middle of the apartment building. I also remember Mark Meyer throwing firecrackers at cars on Dwight.

2003--I don't think I did a thing with fireworks this year. I just remember getting very very drunk at Eiji's house.

2004--Calm, friendly BBQ at Janine's House. No drunkenness, no fire. I've been thinking alot about fire.


mm said...

..i dont know about "at", maybe "in the vicinity" of some autos.

Toby Subrosa said...

Perhaps, guys....however I definitely remember (and i don't remember much of that night) watching Mark throw fireworks into the street....maybe it wasn't AT cars, but cars do drive on that street often...The only reason it sticks so well in my mind is because Mark greatly impressed me with his fireful magic. I never forget a pyro. (I also think he was somewhat responsible for the couchfire) Hey...remember that girl who was concerned for her home and made us put it out?

Toby Subrosa said...

I also just remembered that the was the early morning of the fourth because that year, i went to see the fireworks at Embarcadero....ya, that's right...the lazy man's firework.....