Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Five VS. Five and Twenty

Five: she resides with her mother and younger brother in dirty commercial neighborhood where most of the children in school speak spanish on the playground. she does not speak spanish. during recess, she keeps herself busy by either collecting bees in a jar or spinning on the monkey bars. mrs. fuentes keeps her after school by asking her if she'd like to help her with some tasks. only she doesn't know that mrs. fuentes knows her mom sometimes forgets to pick her up. well, she only lives around the block, and one block away from mrs. F, so they walk home together most days after school. she remembers learning how to spell her name, she remembers only knowing capital letters, she remembers alot for a child that age.

Five and Twenty:she resides with her mother and a newer family. she works in an environment where her coworkers communicate amongst themselves in spanish. she knows only some spanish now. during lunch, she keeps herself busy by smoking near the back of the building and making calls on her cellular. she lives too far from work to walk home, but she does take walks after arriving home. she remembers unlearning her work ethic, she remembers meeting "the man", she remembers alot for a child her age.

Five: her best friend lives 5 blocks away. his mother babysits for her mother alot, but she never minds because she loves her best friend. she's still too young to know what it really means to love a friend, but it doesn't matter. he is very finicky, sometimes he'll want to play and sometimes he'll lock her out of his room and ignore her. one time he almost drowned her in his doughboy pool thus making her cry and fear him. she hated when he wouldn't let her play with his g.i. joes or he-man castle. he didn't like when she'd make his heroes do girly things. he grew jealous when his next-door neighbors used to come over his house to play with her, so he'd call her names and shun her. she was oftentimes hurt by his actions. but when he came into her kindergarten class with tears in his eyes, holding mrs. f's hand, she gave him her crayons and gave him a hug. she thought, boys are strange.

Twenty Five: her best friend lives far away. his mother lives closer to her than he does, but it doesn't bother her because she still loves her best friend. she's still too naive to know what it really means to love somebody, but it doesn't matter. he is very finicky, sometimes he'll talk about things that he feels and sometimes he'll ignore anything ever said. one time he did absolutely nothing to her yet he made her cry and fear him. she hated when he would pretend not to hear something, though he'd never call her names or shun her to her face. she was only once hurt by his actions, but now knows it was her own fault. but when he is sad and lonely, she shares her toys and hugs him. she still thinks, boys are strange.

Five: she's a quiet one. she likes to play outside. she likes to go where she's not supposed to and get very dirty. she will roll around on the grass despite knowing it will make her itch later. she gets in trouble alot, but for things like cutting all the roses off their bushes or putting insects into jars. She never can foresee what is going to harm her, and she injures herself alot. she loses things because she has a hard time paying attention and remembering items. she prefers to remember people and events.

Twenty Five: she's not so quiet. she likes outside, but not exercise. she likes to do what she's not suppose to, but stays clean. she's learned to give flowers their chance to grow, but still yearns to cut every pretty smelling thing she sees. she has better foresight and tries to make goals to help better her situation. she still has trouble sticking to them, though. she remains absent-minded and ditzy because still she prefers people over things.

Five: She was caught kissing boys for Chuck E. Cheese coupons.

Twenty Five: She envies those days.

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