Monday, January 10, 2005

More and More and More and More

I'm all for excess and all, but its time i say enough is enough. When will this rain go away? I'm glad for the dead, beetle ridden trees, and the dried riverbeds, but i want to be able to walk, and drive, and smoke outside, maybe even see a little sunshine. Blah blah, whine when its wet, whine when its dry. The stream behind my house has become a river and i'm tempted to take the boat to work. It's quite beautiful regardless of the inconvenience, the rain travels underneath the snow and rages across the street as if it has no concern for laws or city planning. I guess that's the cool thing about massive bodies of water, it'll do what it wants, when and where it wants. It has no concern for life, structures, automobiles. It has washed away one of our 3 roads up the mountain. Yep, its not there anymore. Poof.
And another thing, while I was on the CalTrans website trying to find a clear road for my mom, I saw they are building a fucking awesome new Bay Bridge. I already knew that, of course, but I saw its little future view and its great. Side by side traffic, no more of that creepy, terribly claustophobic double decker shit. I'm not sure on how they are going to dispose of the current Bay Bridge, but I hope it involves fighter jets and missiles. Maybe George Lucas will dish out a few pennies for some real life, hi-tech sci-fi footage. I've gotta go now, and email him my idea. "Lates"
--quoted by Kevin, the boy who spurred my thirteen yr old sister to sneak out at 2am and walk 4 miles in a 10 degree snow storm so they could smoke the wacky tobackey. His 13 messages with the above quote was later heard by Big Bear's finest after she was escorted home.

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