Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Don't look at Me Straight, I'm shy

Today I completed over 3/4's of the "list on things to do today so that i can feel better about the disorder in my life" list. Really. Today I spent 7 dollars and 8 cents on things like faxes and transcripts. I have 237.68 to last me until December 9th. It's a month. That's alright, i did the math. So 3/4 of the list. Can you imagine the Sake filled celebration that I'm going to have with myself tonight? I feel much too good about myself today to let it go to waste.
Would you rather i talk about you? Probably. You pretend to be shy, but nobody really thinks so. I decided to change my style of music today. As of today, i no longer enjoy sad, comforting melodies, preferably from long ago times. Music that survives the test of time is best. That's right, from now, i listen to jagged screams. I'm looking into punk, but i might just go with industrial. I need someone who knows more about this to guide me. You see, I am lazy and mistrustful of review descriptions.
Oh, I forgot, love, i was supposed to talk about you. No, just kidding. Would you like me to make you tempura? I make the bomb ass tempura. You don't like sweet potato or carrots, but the zuccini's just pull you right in. Have you seen that movie Redemption? Yes, friend, it does have a Wayan Brother in it. I'm sorry, but you should check it out. Maybe I'll rent it, you come and eat my tempura.
Wanna know what i'm thinking? I'm remembering the excerpt from a book I read last night. It made me think of Winnie Cooper. I'm also trying to look onto my neighboring computer's screen to see what he's got to say. I read about a paragraph when I was coming back from the printer, but all that did was get me interested enough to keep wondering. It's written in italics, as if told in dialogue. As I reread what i just wrote I sort of whispered it under my breath. I wonder if he heard. No he didn't.
I still have errands to run. I don't write drunk no more. No, I don't.

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